The main objective of the LGPD is to ensure transparency in the use of personal data, as its parameters are privacy and the protection of personal data. The entire LGPD implementation journey will be less impactful with the help of a company specializing in the pillars necessary for this implementation. At that moment, the GDPR consultancy, carried out by professionals who know the subject, can protect companies from irregularities and avoid business sanctions.


Given this, there are some important initial steps to implement and put GDPR into practice in your business. The first is to understand the entire context of the company, meet the stakeholders, bring together the team responsible for changes and raise employee awareness. THE GDPR consultancy will show that it should not become just a bureaucratic tool, it needs to get everyone's engagement, so that they have the right view involving the main obligations that the company will need to fulfill. In this phase, the people who will take care of the project are defined and messages of awareness are promoted to the collaborators.


A second step in which the GDPR consultancy assists is in carrying out the risk assessment of compliance. A more laborious task, since it is necessary to search within the company, the main sources of risks related to the protection of personal data and information security. This risk assessment phase involves steps such as identification, analysis, assessment, treatment and communication of risks, through document analysis and interviews. Also in this phase, the life cycle of the company's personal data is mapped.


The third and also important step is the implementation of the action plans made in the previous step, that is, the time to start the preparation of the Privacy Policy and the Information Security Policy, together with the adequacy of the processes. After putting plans into practice, it is time to carry out training and capacity building for the parties involved, tasks that are also suggested by the GDPR consultancy.


Get in touch with TATICCA – ALLINIAL GLOBAL, which has a qualified and experienced multidisciplinary team, tools and methodology to consulting on LGPD and also implementation, in an objective and assertive way, with: guidance and training, diagnosis, analysis of employee contracts, analysis of supplier contracts, analysis of internal policies, analysis of contracts for the provision of services or sale of products, adaptation of contracts serving LGPD, data mapping, implementation of the service channel, elaboration of a privacy policy, pre-formatted documentation with all the requirements of the LGPD.
