One of the main trends stimulated by technology is remote work, which has gained even more notoriety after the changes made in the job market due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work is an inevitable reality around the world and today, even with companies reopening their physical workspaces, many are keeping some employees at home, either because of the uncertainty of the possibility of future closures or because of the needs of employees at risk. In any case, the time has come to re-evaluate and reinforce the long-term approach.


The initial rush to implement remote work solutions included ensuring remote workers had the necessary tools (laptops, internet, phones, headsets, printers, and more). But few companies have had enough time to consider important questions about their obligations to employee health and productivity. For example, is your company responsible for ensuring that home work environments meet health and safety requirements? Does your technology have policies in place to help protect your business from cyberattacks as your team works remotely? Have training and support procedures been implemented to help remote workers maintain their emotional health and productivity?


If at the beginning of the crisis many companies sought supplies, in many cases there are still employees using domestic equipment. While necessary in the short term, this practice can cause productivity, communication, and security issues. You need to develop a corporate approach and best practices to address these issues. It is in the company's best interest to ensure that all employees have high-quality, reliable hardware installed with licensed software and applications to work remotely efficiently.


When working remotely, employees can enjoy the flexibility to take calls on the terrace or take their computers to the garden. But working outside of a corporate location increases the risk that confidential information could be exposed. Most companies already have policies in place to define how employees must handle and access confidential information while traveling or working outside the office. Communication with employees is important to reinforce best practices. It is also worth a good analysis in cybersecurity practices.


Particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic, the lack of social interaction and the challenges of working closely with family members can add additional pressures to standard work stress. Access to counseling services can provide employees with essential help and support. 


COVID-19 has made remote work a necessity, but the convenience and cost savings mean that, for many, it's here to stay. Now, putting the effort into designing the right approach will allow your company to take full advantage of remote work as an option in the future waves of the pandemic and beyond.

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