According to the LGPD, the following principles must be observed when processing personal data: Purpose, Adequacy, Necessity, Open Access, Data Quality, Transparency, Security, Prevention, Non-Discrimination, Accountability. Faced with this new scenario, which is the entry into force of the law, a great challenge arises for companies, which will have to review their data governance and privacy processes, seeking a GDPR consultancy.


From the analysis of the mapping detailing how personal data is treated and its entire life cycle within the company, it will be possible to assess the maturity level of the processes, as well as the risks involved. Only then, with the deficiencies detected, the procedures start to transform the data transaction into a secure transaction, in accordance with the principles of the LGPD. The important thing is the understanding that based only on generic documents it is not possible to implement a governance program in privacy, a whole cultural change is necessary in the company and that involves the GDPR consultancy.


and hire a GDPR consultancy Not an easy task. It is also important that the LGPD consultancy has a multidisciplinary team and shows great leadership skills, after all, they will be largely responsible for promoting action plans. The company cannot consider itself adequate only by modifying contractual clauses and policy and privacy.


In addition to demanding that GDPR consultancy prepares records of personal data processing operations, some care must be taken before contracting the service, such as properly defining the scope of the contract, especially in terms of deadlines, establishing communication plans with the GDPR consultancy, check the curriculum of those responsible for coordinating and implementing the privacy governance program and something simple, but important, requesting references from clients who have been or are being served by the GDPR consultancy.


Get in touch with TATICCA – ALLINIAL GLOBAL, which has a qualified and experienced multidisciplinary team, tools and methodology to consulting on LGPD and also implementation, in an objective and assertive way, with: guidance and training, diagnosis, analysis of employee contracts, analysis of supplier contracts, analysis of internal policies, analysis of contracts for the provision of services or sale of products, adaptation of contracts serving LGPD, data mapping, implementation of the service channel, elaboration of a privacy policy, pre-formatted documentation with all the requirements of the LGPD.
