Working is an integral part of our life. In most cases, a significant part of the time is spent in the workplace, be it external, internal or external. home office. Work means our purpose, career, livelihood or business and generates an influence on the quality of our life, which involves physical and mental well-being. For the WHO - World Health Organization, the concept of quality of life is about the “individual's perception of their insertion in life, in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”.


Although this concept may differ from person to person, to some extent, some habits developed on a day-to-day basis are proven to be effective in overall satisfaction and even increase motivation and productivity at work. One of these habits is to work in a healthy way, valuing moments of leisure and relaxation to relieve tensions and achieve a balanced routine.


Our Audit partner, Fernando Machado, learned during his professional career to use his time wisely. A fan of cycling, he participated for the 1st time in the FDX sporting event (https://www.instagram.com/fdx_challenge/), a meeting of cyclist friends in the Santa Catarina mountains and mentioned TATICCA as a Firm that supports the balance between professional and personal life of its employees.


Fernando leaves some tips to maintain a balanced routine between personal and professional commitments, managing your time correctly in the routine of identifying priorities, practicing flexibility and having a good planning of the professional routine are some of his tips for those who are looking for a more balanced life. “Time is the most valuable resource we have”, comments Fernando, “and using it wisely and flexibly allows us, in addition to dedicating time to ourselves, to share life with the people we love”.


Currently, much attention is focused on the issue of quality of life, which is influenced by people's physical and mental health, in addition to relationships with the environment and degree of independence. What human beings want throughout their lives is to live fully, to be happy and surrounded by people who are good for them. We are holistic, formed as a whole, and we need to be balanced in all the pillars of life to have well-being... Fernando quotes a professional colleague who said “we work to live and we don't live to work”!


For this feeling to be possible, every professional needs to take care of aspects such as mental and physical health and TATICCA seeks to support the theme and encourage its employees in healthy habits, understanding that it is a company made of people and that this aspect will also add to its growth. and market development.


Get in touch with TATICCA – ALLINIAL GLOBAL, which operates throughout Brazil and globally, with integrated auditing, accounting, tax, corporate finance, technology, risk advisory, business consulting and training. PFor more information, visit www.taticca.com.br or e-mail taticca@taticca.com.br and learn more. Our company has professionals with extensive experience in the market and has certified methodologies for carrying out activities.
