Value Chain Diagnosis

The current competitiveness in the market and the search for results has demanded more and more efficiency from companies. Therefore, the services consulting of TATICCA are based on the development of solutions that seek direct results in the practices of its customers.


The Value Chain represents the activities developed by the company to satisfy the needs of its customers, which range from the relationship with suppliers to distribution to the final consumer. However, it involves numerous managerial aspects identified by the consulting in that approach.


To seek these results, the team of consulting performs an initial analysis of the company, raising the main points of attention and then mapping a solution that brings the best result in the shortest time.


The Value Chain comprises primary activities and support activities, and the consulting, efficiently identifies such activities and their impact on the company's results. In many cases, the longer the process, the more functional areas, or the more approval levels that participate in a process, the more likely it is to contain routines that do not add value.


From these aspects, the importance of the activity of consulting for companies concerned about whether the management of their processes is adding value to their operations.


A consulting works on strategies based on the Value Chain, and since it considers all stages of the company's processes, it offers solutions for effective management. By identifying and eliminating activities that do not add value, this management becomes, in most cases, a competitive differential, contributing to the improvement of results.


TATICCA's action plan involves bringing a group of consulting experience for the client and execute a series of activities of understanding and analysis in a period, in order to make the design of the action plan fast and with the greatest possible detail.


This execution of the Value Chain Diagnosis performed by consulting, will provide clients with a clear view of the performance of their areas in relation to the expected standard and a clear path for the evolution of their results.


Get in touch with TATICCA AIndependent auditors for more information, at or e-mail or by phone (11) 30623000 and learn more. Our company has professionals with extensive experience in the market and has certified methodologies for carrying out activities.
