With the spread of the LGPD, companies are understanding that all their data, from information about the products or services offered to employees' private information, may have their security compromised and therefore, in addition to avoiding the sanctions imposed by law, it is culturally important that the compliance with GDPR.


Information security is a strategic issue in business management and interferes in the smooth running of activities, achievement of results and survival of the company. Therefore, in compliance with GDPR, it is essential that leaders know best practices on the subject.


These best practices depend a lot on the mechanism chosen by the team and manager of the technology area. Some are better known even by lay people and others only by experts in the field. This is an advantage of hiring a consultancy to compliance with GDPR, as the professionals know sophisticated practices that can add value to the company.


The high availability of information, for example, can be guaranteed with systems redundancy, that is, when the company has infrastructure replicated, whether physical or virtualized. This can be provided in compliance with GDPR. In this case, if a server or router fails, its replacement goes live and allows operations to continue.

When it comes to access control, there is also a great concern in the compliance with GDPR, but today there are physical and logical mechanisms, or even a combination of them, to control access to information. Physical mechanisms, for example, can be a technology infrastructure room with restricted access and surveillance camera systems. The main logical mechanisms are, for example, firewall, digital signature, biometrics, among others.

It is also essential in compliance with GDPR, plan training and knowledge updating for the technology team and users of technological resources. It is essential to quickly detect possible hardware and software vulnerabilities in order to take immediate action towards their solution.

The LGPD is already in force and impacting the Brazilian market as a whole. If your company has not yet made the compliance with GDPR eContact TATICCA – ALLINIAL GLOBAL, which has a qualified and experienced multidisciplinary team, tools and methodology to consulting on LGPD and also implementation, in an objective and assertive way, with: guidance and training, diagnosis, analysis of employee contracts, analysis of supplier contracts, analysis of internal policies, analysis of contracts for the provision of services or sale of products, adaptation of contracts serving LGPD, data mapping, implementation of the service channel, elaboration of a privacy policy, pre-formatted documentation with all the requirements of the LGPD.
