For any business to be successful, there are certain growth strategies that cannot be implemented without proper accounting and financial planning. An essential element to the health of a growing business is keeping proper records, especially when it comes to financial activities. However, there is much more involved in financial activities than just recording sales and expenses. Planning for growth requires a strategic plan from the start. One accounting Office can help with a successful plan that will include information gathering, data recording and financial analysis as part of the routine.

There are some tasks that can be performed on a daily basis to facilitate accounting, tasks that involve compiling and generating daily reports, to match the actual numbers. The daily publication of transactions in their respective ledgers is also crucial. One accounting Office, when performing routine accounting, will record any errors when comparing the report details with the respective receipts, bank slips, checks and credit card statements. This can be challenging when done in-house, because in-house teams are often included in long-term planning. Looking for services with an accounting firm can be a great solution.

In a weekly routine, the accounting Office will help with debit and credit accounts must be verified and updated accordingly. This involves determining whether there are outstanding payments to suppliers or outstanding invoices that need to be sent to debtors. Suspended accounts should only be used temporarily as they are used to record transactions where the proper account could not be determined at the time it was recorded. These accounts must be verified for accuracy and updated accordingly.

In monthly routines, the ideal is to close a busy month ensuring that financial records are in good shape and up to date. This involves tasks that include analyzing sales and purchase accounts, reviewing debtors and creditor ledgers, and updating them. Bank accounts and credit card statements must also be reviewed and reconciled so that accuracy is observed and maintained. Adjustment of entries must be made in the respective periodicals before closing the deal, so that revenues and expenses are recorded in the correct accounting periods. Appropriate financial reports also need to be generated so that current monthly reports can be compared to previous periods. All these details are fulfilled by the accounting Office.

Use one accounting Office for your routines will give you more time to manage cash flow and plan for growth and expansion. You guarantee benefits such as: easier and less stressful account reconciliation, better accuracy in financial records, easy tracking of a business's financial perspective, prevention of loss of resources and finances through early error detection and year-end audits faster and less complex. Even though it is a routine job, the accounting office helps and supports the company, as it understands that the business is important to the manager. 

Get in touch with TATICCA – ALLINIAL GLOBAL, which operates throughout Brazil and globally, with integrated auditing, accounting, tax, corporate finance, technology, risk advisory, business consulting and training services. For more information, visit or e-mail and learn more. Our company has professionals with extensive experience in the market and has certified methodologies for carrying out activities.
